Monday, June 19, 2006

My 12th Birthday!

Hey ya'll!!!!! Guess what? OK I will tell you! My birthday is in 3 days! YEA!!!! I will be 12 years old. My birthday is on June 22, 1994! Well I am having a party for me and all my friends! I will tell you who is coming: Me (of course), my friend Anna, her lil' sis Amy, my friends Meredith, Amberly, Alexis, Katie W. , Brittany, Kayla, Bradie, my cousins: Grace and Katie Y.!!!!! I can't wait! If I have a chance I will tell ya'll about my party!!! Thanks for reading and don't forget to leave me a comment!!!!! I can't wait!!! Love ya lots! -Laura

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Andy's Wedding!

hey ya'll! HOw is it going? it is good here. We stayed at my dad's friend's house overnight. He has a movie theater in his house! it is awesome. Last night we went to a rehearsal dinner for a wedding. Andy is getting married! He was in my mom's kindergarten class one year. She was his teacher! lol Last night after the dinner we had to drive around for a while looking for a hotel. we finally found one that is where I am at now! I am on my brother's NEW Dell laptop. it is really cool!
well I g2 jet!