Thursday, December 29, 2005


Hey Ya'll. Sorry, I forgot to type in ya on Christmas Day, but I couldn't. You see Christmas Eve night I started to feel sick. I have been feeling that way since. Yesterday I went to the doctor, Dr. Allen to be exact. Well they had to take my blood in my finger and I watched them. I can't stand watching that stuff then it started to feel hot in the room. My mom and I made it to the bathroom just in time. (I threw up.) Then the doctor thought I might have mono and that they didn't have enough blood for a mono test so they might have to take more blood. Well they ended up doing it in my arm it didn't hurt as bad!!! The doctor is going to call back and give us the results. So I will give ya'll the info today or tomorrow. By the way my Cousin Charlie Ann got a guitar for Christmas so she is now a guitar freak! (In a great way.) :o) I g2 jet LET

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